Here are some of the animations that I've worked on this month. (The order of the videos are in order from the first animation to the last)
The video above is my bouncing ball animation. This is a very basic bounce that i did early this month.
The video above is me experiencing with Time and Space. Each car, I gave its own speed, pace, and time. Some cars i gave a little more.....just for fun.
The video above is my game level smash ball. This is perhaps my favorite animation that i did this month. Basically Ive created a story with a bouncing ball and a star. This ball is cool, has attitude and wants that star to become invincible. He sadly doesn't catch the star and dies in the process....or does he?? Does he get the star? or does the star truly get away? Enough reading, go check out the video and see for your.
The video above is my basic walk that Ive recent finished not to long ago. In this animation, I animated Antsy the bug (who's not an alien ;) ) to walk up to this machine and do an interaction with it. Please go watch it, enjoy and have a nice day.